Friday, November 05, 2004

Oh - Canada?

No, I don't really know why.

We have always wanted to live in Canada. This goes back at least to the early days of our marriage, when Zoë was interviewed - by telephone, I should add - for a job in Nowheresville, BC. It wasn't really right for us then, but I guess it set up a kind of longing which has never really gone away. Back in early 1998, I had the opportunity to spend a few days in Toronto, and I came back raving about it - I'd have moved then and there, given the opportunity, but No.1 son was but a few months old, Zoë was not yet back at work; too many other things were not right, and the moment passed. It never went away, though - that glimpse of a lifestyle is as vivid today as ever, and it informs some of what this is all about.

Since our conversation in the park (or Conversation In The Park, as I like to think of it), Canada has again become our focus. Over the years, there might have been opportunities to move abroad at various times (I guess if I had pushed hard enough at certain times, I could have arranged a move with my current employer, but would we both have been happy in, say, Luxembourg? I doubt it.) I think we'd both have considered Australia or New Zealand, or - well, anywhere, really - but the question always nagged: why, and what would we do?

Now, it seems we may have at least part of an answer to some of this: the sums add up - more or less; the boys are the right age; my work has come to an impasse of sorts; the equity on this house would buy a staggeringly large house in Canada; there are opportunities for Zoë to work, and earn enough to support us; we could be happy - happier than I think we are now.

It's a big dream, and there are enough potential stumbling blocks to make it a daunting prospect, but we think we can do it, and there's really only one way to find out...


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