Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Farewell to Things

No.1 in a continuing series (probably):

If we really are going (and it feels like we are), I need to be keeping an eye on two lists: things I'll miss, and things I'll want to do at least once more before I go. Not that we're moving somewhere completely isolated from the world, but certain things will be more difficult to access. So, a start to these things, then:

I'll miss:
The Proms. No point pretending otherwise; I feel like I've only just started appreciating them, and after next summer, I'll be listening to them during the day over the internet. In a funny kind of way, I'm quite looking forward to that, but still...

Football I'll probably start calling it soccer, and I'll probably be watching the boys playing it for years to come, but it won't be the same. When we do make our trips back to the UK in years to come, I need to make sure that they coincide with at least some small part of the season.

I'd like to do:

Some more travelling in Europe There are places I've never been (although I've just been to Warsaw, and it looks like there might be some more travelling involved in my job this next year). In particular, being back in Italy the other week has rekindled my taste for it, and I'd really like to go and see Mahler's house some day.

A bit of nostalgia. I'll certainly be back in Aberdeen before we go - it's where my family is, after all - but I'd like some time to mosey around some of the other places I've lived and worked, particularly in Scotland. And I really must get to Leakey's bookshop in Inverness.


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