Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Now it gets scary

Today has been spent interviewing removal firms. Zoë's day, that is - my day has been spent going back to work. There is so much to take into account when moving our belongings - so much so that it's beginning to seem like a serious option just to sell everything and buy new in Canada. OK, so there are too many items of sentimental value for that - and all those books - but having done one pass at thinning out stuff, we're clearly going to have to take much more of a scorched earth policy to things. One oddity - not so odd when you think about it, I suppose - since 2001 and the Foot and Mouth outbreak, Canada has looked very unfavourably on anyone importing soil. Well, I thought, that won't affect us. And it won't - as long as we wash bicycle tyres, and clean any outdoor shoes thoroughly - it really will be that detailed, apparently.



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