Friday, February 03, 2006

Goodbye, part 2

We're saying goodbye to a colleague today - a task which has fallen to me for reasons which need not detain us. A perfect opportunity for a 'dry run' for my own leave-taking, which has suddenly come into sharp focus thanks to the phone call I got this morning.

Around 9.30, my phone rang, and my home number appeared on the screen. I picked it up, expecting some tale of the school run, or - just as likely - a plea for computer support, but instead, I heard: "We've got it!"

"It" being in reality "them", since we are now in possession of all our Work and Study Permits - no problems, just present this piece of paper when you land in Canada, and off you go.

So, approximately 8 weeks from now, I'll be going through the same ritual humiliation in front of all my work colleagues, who'll gather round in the hope of seeing me shed a tear. Might happen, too. We'll see.


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