Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A peripatetic penguin, I...

We're natural born movers, I suppose. Since we've been married, we've lived:

  • In part of a manor house, just west of Inverness

  • In a modern bungalow, just east of Inverness

  • In a first floor flat in Perth (we loved this one, but it had some bad memories, too)

  • In a much less attractive second floor flat in Chorleywood, overlooking the Underground railway

  • In a pathetically tiny starter home in Tring

  • In a somewhat less tiny semi-detatched house on the fringes of Watford

  • In a very comfortable detached house in a Buckinghamshire village

Odd, but true fact - in all the houses we've occupied in England, we have lived within half a mile of a county boundary. This has nothing to do with anything, but it amuses me.

Although the length of our stays in these houses has been gradually increasing (the first was about 6 months, the last nearly 5 years), we are basically inclined to move house. In all the time covered by these moves, our parents have remained in the same houses - I'm not sure where we get it from.

OK, that should confirm our identities to any passing person who has a vague idea of who we are. Hello; it's us.