Monday, June 19, 2006

More temporary messages

Look, this is getting silly. This was supposed to be where I did the main writing; instead, all my energy has gone into the newspaper stuff, which has taken off in a most gratifying way ('Dear Friends' link, if you haven't seen it). I have all sorts of random stuff written or planned to go in here, but it's just not happening at the moment. However, the majority of the unpacking is now done; I have an office with shelves and shelves of books in it, and there should be time to catch up very soon.

I'll get back to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Richard and boys,
We met you the other day at Tim Horton's - the safest place in Canada, by the way. It's not unusual to see 2 or more police cars parked outside, the occupants enjoying coffee and donuts, not arresting criminals!
I'm hoping you see this comment; blogs confuse me and I never know where to respond so the author is sure they see my witty comments!
Re. cryoturbation... if my memory serves me correctly, it is the explanation for the potholes. In the winter when the ground freezes, and then thaws, the result is to send big rocks up to the surface, changing the underlying structure of the soil beneath the roads. If you are a farmer, you'll recognize this in your annual spring ritual of clearing the fields of rocks before plowing.
Re. school zones and speed limits. The police get very serious about these in the fall. Don't even try to speed one km above the posted limit - Canadian police place high value on the safety of our little Canadian citizens.
Re. 4 way stops
You have probably figured this one out, but if all the cars arrive simultaneously, you yield to the person on the right. Yep, think about it. Still doesn't help move traffic, does it?!! That's where head nods and polite signalling come in handy.
My daughter and I enjoyed chatting and hope to run into you another day. We are off to the coast Monday to say goodbye to my sister and family who are moving to Ontario. Might as well be to the UK - it's a good 6 day drive from here.
Dawne and Sam

1:51 am BST  

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